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bridges built with living roots in india

In northeastern India , there are areas like Cherrapunji, one of the most rainy and humid areas of the planet. As we well exemplified in the blog, where it rains a lot (a good example is the island of Yakushima ), and high humidity, vegetation grows like mushrooms (or with fungi), and abound that compete for light and trees land in the form of roots.
living root bridges human planet
In the area of Cherrapunji , state of Meghalaya , the roots do not stop growing and growing. A...nd the locals, especially the Khasi tribe, have taken advantage of the roots to build “live” bridges:
double decker living root bridge shillong
Sometimes I wonder which is the best article or post on my blog . To taste the colors never tell which. I have over 1700 entries very different and varied. I’d settle for having one post, as magnificent as the following . As the one with the blog ( Living root bridges ), and only one entry, but simply great and wonderful. alive Bridges made from roots in the depths of northeastern India. In Cherrapunji one of the wettest places on earth. Place inhabited by Khasi, warlike tribe of the state of Meghalaya .

double decker living root bridge trek
Bridges roots that will not stop growing, some of which are over a hundred feet long. It takes between 10 and 15 years to be fully functional, and become extremely resistant. Over time are gaining strength even to support the weight of fifty or more people at once. they are used daily by the people of the villages around Cherrapunji and some have more than five hundred years old. There is also an even more strange and only. There are actually two bridges stacked one above the other and is known as the root bridge of Umshiang double floor.

source :…/bridges-built-with-living-roots-in-in…/


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                             අල්බට් අයින්ස්ටයි                                          සුප්‍රකට විද්‍යාඥයා                                                                       1879   - 1955                  The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art  and science.       -   albert einsteint                          1879   මාර්තු   14   වනදා ජර්මනියේ උල්මි නුවර විසු හර්මන් සහ පොලින් යුවලට පුතෙකු ලැබිණි. තම පුතු නිතර ලෙඩ වීම යුදෙවි යුවලට බලවත් මානසික වෙදනාවක් වීය. ඇල්බට් නමි වූ මේ කුඩා දරුවා වැඩි වශයෙන් කාලය   ගත ක‍රේ ලෙඩ ඇඳෙහිය.          දිනක් ලෙඩ ඇඳෙහි ගත කල තම පුතුට හර්මන් විසින් අපුරු තෑග්ගක්   ගෙන ආවේය. ඒ උතුරු කටුවක් හෙවත් හෙවත්   මාලිමාවකි. මේ කුඩා දරුවා තමාට ලැබුණු තෑග්ග ඒ පැත්තට මේ පැත්තට හරවමින් පරික්ෂා කලේය. ඒත් කටුව හැරි තිබෙන්නේ උතුරු දිශාවටමය. මේ සිදුවිම කුඩා ඇල්බටිගේ සිත ශක්තිමත් කලේය. ඔහු තව තවත් කල්පනා කලේය. අහස හෝ පොළව මේ සිදුවිම කෙරෙහි යම් බලපෑමක් දක්වන බවට ඇල්බටි සැක කලේය. අයින්ස්ටයින්ට පොළව හා